Blog background - gorjuss

Monday, 28 June 2010

3 Lions..

I'm not claiming to be a football expert.. far from it. But was what I witnessed yesterday really the best team England can offer?
They are all overpaid, underperforming, pretty useless prima donnas from what I have seen of them. It is so frustrating because the whole Country gets behind them, people spent thousands and thousands to get to South Africa, such was their belief and passion. What do they get for their loyalty? A team who dont seem to know what they are meant to be doing, dont seem to know their team mates and dont seem interested in the fact that they are representing our footie mad nation.
I would not want to be a Manager of them for anything, but if I was, i would go to the lower league clubs and ask who fancied playing for their Country.. I bet some of them would play their hearts out for the chance..


  1. Lol, they did play pretty badly on Sunday and were never on the right side of the field! Maybe we should send the lion in to play! ;)
