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Wednesday, 30 June 2010

Cruel world

Isnt nature cruel sometimes.. My boss called in this morning to say she was running late because she had let her sons guinea pigs out into the garden, like she did every morning, and while she was getting him ready for school, some magpies attacked and killed one and traumatised the other two.. She said it was like a scene from Texas chainsaw massacre, with blood, and bits everywhere. it was a mad rush to get her son onto his school bus so as he wouldnt see.
She took the remaining two guinea pigs to the vet and they were put on anti biotics, have very nasty beak marks on their small bodies, but are alive.
I dont envy her the task of breaking the news to her son. But the magpies were gathering again as soon as she had got him onto the bus.. needless to say, no more free ranging for these lil critters!

1 comment:

  1. That is so sad, hope the son wasn't too traumatised by the episode and that the remaining GPs are recovering

